
isolation m.jpg

From my subconscious to your feed via watercolour flow on paper. 🕊 (Swipe right to see the full painting)

In the third week of partial isolating, I catch myself thinking that everything we do creates an image that is constructed of many other images that derive from our ideas. Every day I sit at the table and shape my visual language so my "speech" is precise and eloquent. 
I was browsing the web to find some support to my thinking and found that not long ago, in 2017 Elinor Amit discovered through her study that people create visual images to accompany their inner speech even when they are inclined to use verbal thinking. This suggests that visual thinking is deeply ingrained in the human brain and way longer than actual verbal speech. For some people, this image is more rendered than for others, depending on how we are wired, yet the imagery is a tool we are operating with every day.

For the past few years, I notice how events present in my life get themselves revealed in the paintings I create. So I'm trying something different these days, which is reversing the process with the technique that I've shared in the painting meditation. I paint pictures that tell me stories of what's happening around. 
This is the finished piece that I've started during the filming of painting meditation. I called it "reconnection", because even though I do feel disconnected and a bit isolated I can sense connection that is floating in the air.